Marketing Resources Needed: Money, Time, Expertise, Energy

A common question from companies interested in creating marketing plans or communications is, “How much will this cost?”. A common question from designers, agencies, web firms, printers and other providers is, “Do you have a budget?”. The reasons are obvious… organizations want to maximize the return and minimize the cost. Providers want to know if the way the project is being described is “realistic”.

So cost is important to everyone involved. However, money is only one of four resources that I include in conversations about new marketing projects. Here are the other resources that are critical to success of a marketing plan or project: Money, Time, Expertise, and Energy.

Money – As outlined above, everyone is concerned about the costs involved. That is partially due to the reality that costs for communications tools are perceived as “all over the board”. A website can be free or cost $50,000. That can be difficult to navigate. It’s also due to the finite dollars budgeted for Marketing. No organization has unlimited funds for marketing and they always want to do everything they can to get their message out.

Genius! Marketing How to Brand, Target and Market like a Genius! Stephen L. Eckert

Learn more about marketing budgeting and more in the Genius! Marketing book!

Time – Often overlooked as a marketing resource is time. Time is sometimes used as an alternative to money. Meaning companies think of ways to use their own time to reduce the cost of a project. That is fine… if a company can supply time to a project whether in planning or producing, it does reduce cost. However, we often think we have more time than we do.

Time is also critical in ongoing communications strategies like email newsletters, PR, or social media. I’ve talked to many companies who started a campaign but didn’t allow for the time to continue producing the posts, emails or whatever. As a colleague of mine likes to say, “they go dark”, not producing any new content. That’s a problem. Usually, the media gets blamed, something like, “We tried social media, but didn’t get anything out of it.”

The other two resources are related to the time available.

Expertise – Associated with time is the expertise of people. Many organizations have talented people who are interested in helping with marketing. They want to be involved. That is great! One of the planning steps for a project in the Genius Marketing process is putting together a roster of people who are involved in marketing (they aren’t always from the Marketing Department – if there is one) who have the expertise (and time) to help build the plan, create the communications and manage the implementation.

This expertise within a company is critical for building the processes that sustain a communications campaign. Getting multiple people involved, using their gifts and interests to help promote the company can save external dollars paid for marketing expertise. It also helps build the fourth critical resource.

Energy – I sometimes call it “will”. It’s the capacity of an organization to get marketing done. It’s great to consider internally the time and expertise we can commit to marketing, however, if we don’t have the energy, it’s better to consider buying services. Getting people involved can build energy. However, other factors in a company reduce energy. For instance, if marketing tasks are added to already overwhelmed people’s work load… energy will be low. Or, if an office move, new structure or other major change is in the works, people won’t have the energy to focus on marketing. They may want to be involved, but the other initiatives will reduce their will (or energy) on the marketing efforts.

So, it’s not just about the money. All of the four elements must be considered as part of the resources a company brings to a marketing initiative. That’s why Genius Marketing helps companies build a plan that merges both available internal and external resources. It can help reduce cost, but a thorough plan of how all these resources are included makes the success rate of projects go up. A good plan and mapping of processes results in the right mix of internal and external resources resulting in a “budget” for more than just financial considerations.

If you’d like to discuss how to develop a great project or campaign plan, contact us to start a discussion. We’d love to spend our time and expertise to help you!

Marketing Around the Steps to the Sale

Today’s one minute marketing tip is Organizing Your Marketing Around the Steps to the Sale.

In a previous video and blog we presented the need to map the steps to the sale. Our example steps are:

  • Offer
  • Lead Generation
  • Follow up Contact
  • Education of Prospect/Confirmation of Interest
  • Sales Call
  • Discovery/Information Gathering
  • Confirmation of Scope
  • Proposal
  • Negotiation
  • Closed Sale

Benefits of Mapping the Sales Process

Steps to the Sale What is your sales process? Offer Lead Generation Follow up contact. Education/Confirmation of interest, Sales Call Discovery, Confirmation of Scope Proposal Negotiation Closed SaleOnce these steps are determined, it is much easier to manage the sales process and support it with marketing. There are a number of benefits including the ability to track the number of prospects moving through each step to the sale. This data can inform planning and sales projections, as well as budgeting for marketing. Those subjects are covered in other blogs and videos including our course on using the sales goals for each step in the sales process to determine the budget for marketing around the steps to the sale.

Aligning Marketing Around the Steps to the Sale

Next, understand how marketing (and other departments) touch the process of a sale. Looking at each step, what marketing and communications support the step?

It might look something like this:

  • Offer: Advertising, Social Media, Enewsletter
  • Lead Generation: Web forms, Contests, 800 number, Outbound
  • Follow-up Contact: Value Proposition, Spec Sheets, Case Histories
  • Education of Prospect/Confirmation of Interest: Email series, Videos, FAQs
  • Sales Call: CRM, Sales Sheet, Product Samples
  • Discovery/Information Gathering: Testimonials, Questionnaires, Tours
  • Confirmation of Scope: Spec Sheets, Tech Review
  • Proposal: Support Documentation
  • Negotiation: Reviews, Optional Add-Ons
  • Closed Sale: Onboarding Kit

Offer: Advertising, Social Media, Enewsletter Lead Generation: Web forms, Contests, 800 number, Outbound Follow up Contact: Value Proposition, Spec Sheets, Case Histories Education of Prospect/Confirmation of Interest: Email series, Videos, FAQs  Sales Call: CRM, Sales Sheet, Product Samples Discovery/Information Gathering: Testimonials, Questionnaires, Tours Confirmation of Scope: Spec Sheets, Tech Review Proposal: Support Documentation Negotiation: Reviews, Optional Add-Ons Closed Sale: Onboarding KitOrganizing your marketing around the steps to the sale ensures you are supporting the sales process and integrating the marketing and sales effort. While many companies rely on the salesperson to usher a prospect through the sales process, marketing can help drive the movement when integrated with the sales team’s effort.

Questions to Ask About Your Marketing

Take the time to map your sales process and the marketing around the steps to the sale. Are there gaps? How can marketing better pull the prospect to the next step to the sale?

Integrated marketing and sales help make a more efficient and effective process that can result in more prospects moving more quickly through the sales pipeline.

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Steps to the Sale

Today’s one minute marketing topic is Steps to the Sale – mapping the sales process

When talking with business owners about their sales process, I’ll ask for a list of steps that prospects move through, ending with closing the sale. The company’s sales process or as I call it, steps to the sale, is usually a short list, such as shown in Figure 1: Lead Generation, Sales Call, Proposal, Closed Sale. 

Steps to the Sale What is your sales process? Lead Generation Sales Call Proposal Closed Sale

Figure 1

Steps to Sales What is your sales process? Offer Lead Generation Follow up contact. Education/Confirmation of interest, Sales Call Discovery, Confirmation of Scope Proposal Negotiation Closed Sale

Figure 2

Once we begin to discuss the sales process in more detail, steps that were overlooked or not mentioned are uncovered. The process usually starts to look something more like Figure 2 reflecting the full measure of steps needed to close a sale.

Unpacking these steps is critical to effectively plan your marketing. Marketing and sales need to be integrated throughout the process to most efficiently move the prospect through the steps to the sale. 

Further discussion is required to build out the process specifically for the purpose of understanding how marketing and other parts of the company operation touch and support the steps to the sale. We’ll cover that in a separate blog and video.

Map out your sales process – list all of the activities that your company completes to close a sale. It’s a great tool for managing sales, training new staff and for our discussion, building the marketing to support the sales process. Let’s review your list together.

We’ll review your steps and answer any questions you have about your marketing.

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Predictions for Marketing in the New Year

There is One Thing You Can Definitely Count On

Just like every January:Genius

  • People make wild predictions.
  • New things will happen.
  • Mobile will get more mobile.
  • Websites and apps will have more opportunities to put your message in front of people.
  • Someone will come up with the next “it” marketing catchphrase and trick.

Book it. It’s a sure bet… Yeah, right.

There is (and never will be) one “silver bullet” for marketing. Although people will think there is. Or at least hope there is… We want to find the one thing that we can do that costs $1 and results in $1M in sales.

It doesn’t exist.

Still, I will make a prediction that is a sure bet for every year: the companies that operate their marketing and sales strategy out of a written marketing plan, tactic map, and content calendar will be the most successful at marketing. 

That is a sure bet. Because it is a sure bet every year. Here’s why:

A plan defines clearly what you’re trying to do.

If you’ve ever been in a company, you’ve probably heard someone say, “I’m not sure what management (the boss, the owner, insert colloquialism here) is doing.” That is often true of marketing and sales, as management bounces from one idea to the next. A plan, when implemented and managed, lets everyone know what we’re doing:

  • Grow sales by 10%
  • Develop a new prospect lead system
  • Launch two new products
  • Successfully cross-sell 50% of our current customers
  • Launch a new website… etc.

Whatever the initiative, from a simple marcom tactic (we will create and distribute 6 press releases) to a major undertaking (we will launch a new product), it will be better understood in a plan that is mapped and put on a calendar. It helps us stay on task as an organization and as individuals.

A plan gets things done.

No, the plan doesn’t do the work, but when a plan, map, and calendar are developed all of a sudden everyone knows what needs to be done… and when. Managers put resources toward completing the planned tasks. Staff discuss what needs to be done and who, how, and what will be done to meet the plan. When we don’t manage out of a plan, the urgent tasks of the work day, week, and month mean marketing and sales activity deadlines are missed or forgotten altogether.

The classic example is the newsletter (printed or emailed). Issue one is terrific. Issue two is pretty good. Issue three never happens. Why? There was no plan for content, who would do the work, and a calendar deadline for production/distribution. Everyone throws their best stuff at issue one, issue two gets the rest and we’re far too busy to worry about issue three. And so it goes with marketing and sales when there is no plan, map, or schedule.

A plan creates integration.

Should a marketing plan be developed, it will include tentacles that reach into every department of the company. New products mean operations and manufacturing need to know when launch dates will be. Promotions mean accounting has to have a budget. Sales support means marketing and sales will need to talk and coordinate prospect and customer contact. The marketing plan, which should naturally evolve out of the business and financial goals and plan of the organization, will help drive the organization out of its silos and into meaningful work toward fulfilling the mission of the company.

A plan creates accountability.

When no plan exists, it’s easy for everyone to work in a silo and do all the right things for their department or division. Yet that could be at cross purposes with the mission, goals, and strategy of management and the activities of other departments. When a plan exists, activities and budgets all must be bounced off the plan: “Is this task something that will help us meet the plan?” A plan then naturally creates a feedback loop to the plan manager (in most cases for small organizations the business owner). The different people and departments of a company report on how they are doing towards fulfilling the plan. If it doesn’t happen, the plan manager can drive accountability by requiring updates and status reports against the plan and calendar.

A plan eliminates surprises.

Too many times I receive calls stating that “We need a show booth.” Or “We need a brochure.” The reason for the call? The show is next week. Or Sales got an important appointment scheduled and need something to give the prospect.

No one likes surprises at work. They are fun for birthdays, but not when the financial well-being of a company, or the future work situation of staff are at stake. By developing and operating out of a plan, we can cover most (not all) of the needs that will develop in the course of the business cycle. Of course, new situations occur during a year that must be addressed. Plans must be tweaked, and adjustments made. It is still better to react in the context of changing the plan than to be reacting to external stimuli.

Practice makes pattern.

This is the saying of a coach I used to assist. His goal is never perfection. No one is perfect. Practice rather creates the pattern that makes an athlete not only better at his/her sport, but also develops the pattern of how to become better. The same is true for companies: planning grows into the repeatable processes that make a company great.

Developing and delivering a consistent brand and value message will always be the best way to maximize marketing spend and effort. Consistency comes from processes. Processes come from planned activities. There are two parts of planning: 1) developing and 2) executing the plan. Start small and put your emphasis on actually delivering on the plan. The results will come.

Have a great marketing new year! 


Convinced your organization needs a plan but not sure where to start? Contact me, I can help!

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Unique Selling Proposition:

Unique Selling Proposition: Uniquely You

I once asked a customer who made a product that was a commodity item about the idea of unique selling proposition and brand attributes. If you make paper cups, how unique can you be? The customer responded that the product was a commodity, pricing was a main driver of sales, but they competed and won business not only on price but by how they served the customer.

Brand Attributes Come from Who You Are

The reality is that even a product very similar to others is still made and delivered in a unique way. It is imperative to understand this and to look seriously at your organization, its processes, people, and culture to determine what brand attributes are unique. The way you operate the business or interact with customers is often the best place to look for unique brand attributes. It turns out my paper cup making friend had several unique advantages.

Genius! Marketing How to Brand, Target and Market like a Genius! Stephen L. Eckert

Learn more about marketing budgeting and more in the Genius! Marketing book!

One was being an early adopter of web-based automatic refill systems in their e-commerce functionality. Another was the people that worked in the customer service area. They were committed to not only fast response but were empowered to make decisions that other companies would only permit by senior management. These were attributes that created unique value.

Possible attributes that could be part of a unique selling proposition:

  • Product functionality
  • Product options like color, size, or accessories
  • Pricing
  • Payment terms
  • Delivery options
  • Customer training
  • Information resources
  • Customer service contact options
  • Customer club, premium, or status
  • Access to top management
  • Relationship building
  • Partnerships with other vendors
  • Company culture
  • Community involvement
  • Charitable commitment

It’s Been Done – But Not Like You Do It

All of the list above (and more) have been part of a company’s unique story. However, you do it differently. Uniquely. Your company, your brand, comes from your culture, your focus, and your mission. What is your story and how can it be communicated to your customers and prospects

Build a Unique Selling Proposition

Once you have the unique attributes (or at least uncommon attributes), you can think about developing your Unique Selling Proposition. The USP is sort of like a 30-second elevator pitch of branding. Or a customer-centric mission statement. It should answer the question of why a person or company would buy your services. What you do for them and how you do it.

The Unique Selling Proposition should start with one statement that takes into account what matters to a company, why customers buy and the unique brand attributes. Here’s an example:

Our best customers buy multiple products from us. It’s important to them to have one vendor to coordinate their inventory levels and ease their cash flow. We send products in drop shipments to meet their needs, but the frequency of shipments isn’t a problem. They need it when they need it and we always deliver!

What are the key attributes communicated to the prospect or customer in this USP?

  • Multiple products from one trusted vendor
  • Manage inventory
  • Control cash flow
  • Drop shipments on demand

Pivot to the Customer to Make the Unique Selling Proposition Matter

The Unique Selling Proposition is built on the attributes of your company. However, the focus is on the benefits to the customer – why they should buy. The USP answers that most important question: What do you do for me (the customer)?

Here are some questions to ask to uncover the unique company and brand attributes of your organization.

  1. What are the attributes of your organization? Which directly come from who you are, how you deliver your product or service? Which are unique (or at least uncommon)?
  2. How do the people on your team affect the customer experience, and therefore, the brand?
  3. What matters? What is the mission and values of your organization? How does this benefit the customer?
  4. Think about your organization. What are the first ideas, images and words that come to mind?

There’s more help in the book Genius! Marketing or if you need help developing your marketing messages, contact us.


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The One Thing

marketing tip, the one thingI am often asked, “What’s the one thing I should be doing to market my business?” My response is that there is no “one thing” in marketing.

Typically, this comes from business owners who are rightly looking to maximize their return on marketing investment, but are wrongly looking for a panacea. The “one thing” they seek is an idea into which they can put a dollar and get a marketing return of thousands… or more.

Of course that “one thing” doesn’t exist. Over the last couple years, Social Media and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) were popular “one things”. They are important, but alone, they will not solve the marketing puzzle. However, this quest by business owners and entrepreneurs isn’t squelched that easily. So, here is truly, truly the “one thing” every business should do: Plan.

Yes, Really… A Marketing Plan

I know, I know… it’s not cool. It’s not hip. The kids aren’t doing it in London. However, a serious business will have a marketing plan. It can be one page, but you need a plan. That is the one thing that will:

Control Costs –By planning your marketing year, just like you would other areas of your business, you avoid the one off purchases. For example, when you decide to go to a trade show or event a week before it opens. That leads to rushed purchases at the tactical level…which can run afoul of your budget. The plan also can be the beginning of a real, accurate marketing budget for the year (ask me how).

Create Consistency – The biggest issue I see with the marketing of most businesses is a lack of consistency. A plan makes you go in market consistently. Whether advertising, email, direct mail, selling… only a plan and a schedule for that plan keeps a business focused on delivering the value proposition consistently.

Lead to Understanding – The power of planning is doing. I have worked with many businesses that did not understand how powerful marketing is at leading to sales (I know…seems odd). When you work a marketing plan for a year, or even a few months, you suddenly see results… wow! like magic! You start to get results and that helps build understanding of what messages and offers bring in leads, prospects, and sales. That initial plan, well executed, uncovers new ideas, bigger plans, and better results.

The One Thing

So, yes, the one thing is to plan. If you need help developing a simple marketing plan and implementing it consistently across your organization, Contact us.

Check back regularly for the latest Marketing Tip, or email us to be emailed the tips.

This is a republish of this blog (originally published 1/1/13). A new year, same answer… have a plan.
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PR Tips for a Young (ANY) Marketer

Press Release Tips

I recently had opportunity to work with a marketing student on a press release. He did a good job writing a release for class (but using a real subject, real news, utilized by a client of mine). Here are some tips I passed along to him. Maybe they will be a help to you, as well.Press Release Tips

Tip 1: Make sure the first paragraph tells the whole, factual story.

I tightened up the introduction paragraph. One of the things to remember about releases is that with smaller publications and mass online distribution – often publications and websites will pick up the release exactly as submitted. Most likely the first paragraph (which is supposed to be the who, what, when, where, why… do they still teach that simplicity still?), so I combined your first and second paragraph. Larger publications will rewrite or use parts to fit a larger story they may be writing.

Tip 2: Use a quote to add more depth and explanation to the news story.

The quote from the business owner was great. This permits more “editorial” comment on the “news” of the release. The quote can add color commentary, add dimension to the news story, and best of all, tie the current news to larger mission/strategy of the organization.

Tip 3: After telling the news story, conclude with a paragraph that builds the branding or provides value proposition.

I usually add a standard last paragraph in a release about the company, which differs from the boilerplate company description added after the end of the release content. I do this because often the boilerplate is cut or ignored, but a paragraph in the release itself may get read.

Tip 4: Respect reporters time, but give them some information that could help THEIR job.

One other tip as you move forward in your work in PR – reporters and editors at publications that do “real” reporting (unlike online content grabbers and small publications as mentioned above); reporters are looking to investigate and report. So often, less is better. With some reporters, I may attach a release, but will also in the email body l put just a hint of the story that may entice them to investigate further. I know they are busy, and probably won’t read the release (and they probably are reading their email on their phone – tough to read an attachment). I want to tee up their professional curiosity. Here’s an example:

Subject: Expansion at XYZ Company


Attached is a release about expansion at XYZ. Really good prospects in ABC sector. Let me know if you’re working stories on which we could be of help.


I’m hoping the reporter asks the question – what prospects are opening up in the ABC sector? Would my readers find that opportunity of interest? And I offered myself and the company as a resource for other stories.

The key to PR success:

  • Only submit information that is actually news
  • Think long-term – you want to build trust with reporters and editors – its an ongoing conversation
  • Follow the rules, but still go old school – meaning do online distribution (PR Newswire or other online distribution), follow publication rules (submit via their news submission form online for example or only submit stories with a photo – that’s actually a rule some publications), but go old school too: send it directly to a list of reporters and editors (using the tease method) and even… shocking… follow up with a phone call to see if they have any questions.

Hope this helps on your marketing journey. May all your PR be genius!


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Real Help: One Minute Marketing Tip

Today’s One Minute Marketing topic is Real Help… a crisis communications tip

When you are in a pandemic, or any other crisis, there are natural reactions. Even marketers and brands have them:

  • Shock… we’re shocked by a situation that is affecting people’s lives and future
  • Empathy… people feel for other people and want to express that
  • Help… people want to help

Sending Well Wishes

All of us are receiving emails from companies and brands with which we may or may not feel connected. Many of them simply say they are fine, hope you’re fine and we’ll talk soon. That isn’t a great communication. In fact, it’s a waste of time.

So, do you send your well wishes as a brand? What do you include in your communications

Here are some one minute tips for communications in a crisis.

Rule 1: Don’t communicate unless you have news.

Keep communications short and focus on real news. Wishing others well is fine, but don’t waste their time, give them something of value.

Rule 2: Don’t assume your solution is THE solution.

Clearly explain what you can do for the reader/listener, but don’t sound like you’re the only answer.

Rule 3: Provide real help.

Offer something that really helps. Lower a price, make the terms better, speed delivery. Put yourself in the buyer’s mind. What do they really need and how can your brand meet that need?

Even if number 2 is true (you’re aren’t the answer), a serious message with serious help will be more appreciated than one more self-centered brand’s feelings about the crisis.

It’s a serious time. Make your communications count. Only news and real help.

Real Help for Your Marketing

If you would like to discuss your crisis communications, we would love to help. In fact, you can send us a question and we’ll provide our best advice – no cost, no obligation.

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Integrating Marketing & Sales

marketing and salesHatfields and McCoys. Ohio State vs. Michigan. Democrat vs. Republican. All are famous feuds. How about this one: Marketing vs. Sales. It dates back as far as business itself. From the dawn of business time, there has always been the sour sound of “marketing doesn’t give us any good leads” and “sales doesn’t understand how (much) marketing helps them”.

Now you also have IT, information technology in the mix. Choosing a CRM or a marketing automation tool.

It’s complicated and the solution eludes most companies.

We help companies organize their marketing and sales all the time. I admit, it can be messy, but generally we’re successful integrating marketing and sales (and the technology) into a harmonious process. A process that is like an engine continually cranking out good leads that get closed.

The trick is… there is no trick. It is a matter of understanding several things first:

  • The unique value proposition of the offering,
  • How sales are actually made,
  • Why people buy (and who they are), and
  • The constraints of resources.

With this information, an integrated program can be developed that includes marketing elements, direct contact sales and is all managed by a technology (or two). However it starts with a process. A process that can be implemented, managed, tracked and replicated just like any other business process.

If you’re struggling to make marketing and sales play nice (or better, work together to make more sales happen), contact us. We can help.


Data Shaping and Honest Presentation

Five Things to Consider When Reviewing any Data, Survey, or Poll

A friend of mine was discussing a work project that included the very powerful software Tableau. “Business Intelligence and Analytics Software” is how they preview the product on their website.

He was discussing how data is malleable, and how the presentation of data can be manipulated to exploit the data (which is always neutral) towards a certain point of view or conclusion. This discussion reminded me of the book Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics which explains how statistics – data – polling can be used in ways that are less than straightforward.

While I couldn’t directly relate with the project parameters with which my friend was dealing, I decided to lay out my thoughts on marketing data/research. I have found that marketing information can be easily manipulated and therefore some guidelines are in order. These are neither exhaustive nor exclusive to market research and presentation… these principles can be applied to many situations.

Market Research Data and Presentation Tips

  1. Understand the context of the question.
    The manipulation of data in a presentation often begins with how the data was collected. The way questions in a customer survey are asked or worded makes a monumental difference in how the responses can be interpreted. Never believe a survey or poll response without being able to see the full question text.
  2. Understand the audience/data source.
    Just as important as what question was asked is to whom the question was asked. Or when not direct or primary research, from what data sources did the data come? This is obviously critical as no person (or author of data) is neutral.
  3. Consider the question behind the question.
    When reviewing marketing research (or any data) it is important to understand the reason behind the questions asked or the research done. Not just the full text of the question, but the question was asked. What is the overall research project attempting to accomplish? What story is intended to be told by the data?
  4. Believe your eyes/intuition.
    It is not uncommon to see a presentation and think that something isn’t quite right. Or to have a question because there is an apparent gap in or doubt about the information. Delve into the issue, often your eyes or intuition are correct and a pointed question or two can uncover pertinent information or context to the data presented.
  5. Look at the detail.
    Research and the resulting data are complex. Presentations help sort and organize the data and discuss the results. However, the summary of data/results by definition means that not all the data is included. Consider looking at the data source or complete data set to look for areas that weren’t highlighted by summary presentations…but still could be meaningful.
  6. We all bring perspective.
    It’s popular currently to say that people have biases that color how they view the world and everything in it. That is a more negative painting of what I would call personal perspective. Realize when reviewing any information that not only the author or presenter brings a personal perspective, but also the viewer has a perspective as well.

Considerations for Presenting

While this article focuses on data and presentation from the recipient’s view, these same tips can be used to help the presenter as the data are gathered, organized, and presented. The last tip is crucial. Too often it is not the perspective of the researcher/presenter that ruins a presentation of the data. Rather, it is attempting to meet the perspective of the recipient (whether consciously or unconsciously). In other words, you are presenting to an audience, the audience is paying you to do the presentation, therefore you shade, skew, manipulate the data or the results/presentation to fit the perspective of the audience. Similar to writing the answer on a test for the professor and to fit the professor’s bias, rather than writing the neutral truth or one’s own opinion. That’s a great way to sell tickets, but not an honest way to conduct or present research.

Have a question about market research? Contact us and we’ll see if we can give you a neutral answer.




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